Abu Dhabi Police Decrease Speed ​​Allowed

Abu Dhabi police changed the speed limit on Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Highway.

The day before, the Abu Dhabi police changed the speed limit on the fastest highway in the UAE. According to the plan, the changes will be valid for six months.

The speed limit on the Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed highway has been changed from 160 to 120 km / h. The new restriction applies to the section of the road where road works are underway.

It is worth noting that the previous limit of 160 km / h was the highest in the country.

As the Abu Dhabi police explain, they were forced to change the speed limit due to road works on the left lane of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Highway, which began on June 27, 2018.

Road works are expected to continue through December.

The highway links the capital of the Arab Emirates to Abu Dhabi with Saudi Arabia and the Al-Gharbiya region.

The highway will be closed for six months in both directions from the Hamim bridge to the Al-Dhabiya bridge. For road works, the speed limit will be 120 km / h, "said Abu Dhabi police.

Watch the video: 5 violations other than speeding that Dubai Police radars catch (May 2024).