Dubai will issue life-long registration cards for cars

In Dubai, registration cards are introduced for the entire service life for certain categories of vehicles.

The Dubai Roads and Transport Committee announced a decision to assign a full-life registration to all taxis, rented cars, and state-owned vehicles.

From January, registration cards issued to the above categories of vehicles will have a lifespan. However, the electronic version of the map will need to be updated once a year after successfully checking the technical condition of the vehicle.

Updates can be made online through the mobile applications of the Committee on Roads and Transport of Dubai or Dubai Drive.

Such an initiative was proposed after the Abu Dhabi police began issuing such lifelong permits a month earlier.

However, it is worth noting that a similar service in Abu Dhabi applies to all categories of vehicles.

Watch the video: how to check visa or labour card quickly for UAE Dubai from direct link (May 2024).