Museum Day

Text: Natalia Remmer


Dubai Women's Museum

The museum is a unique cultural initiative that talks about the various roles of women in the history of the UAE. In the halls of the museum you can find out about women artists and their cooperation with museums and art associations of the world, as well as about the policies of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the first president of the UAE, regarding the protection and support of the female population. The founder of the museum is Emirate professor Rafia Gobash. The collection helps dispel stereotypes about the life of the emirate’s society and better understand the female past and present of the country.

Address: Dubai, Gold Souk Market

Opening hours: Saturday to Thursday, from 10.00 to 19.00

Entrance: 20 AED

Museum of Moving Images

A photoplastic or “Imperial Panorama” (Kaiserpanorama), a Carlo Ponti megaletoscope, mutoscopes of the color of London telephone boxes and about 300 artifacts collected over 26 years by Lebanese media magnate and a passionate cinema fan Akram Miknas. The Museum of Moving Images, which is a collection of devices preceding the emergence of the “great dumb”, is small, cozy and unique to the Middle East. By the way, the main masterpiece of the collection and the oldest exhibit is the German lantern toy of 1730, made based on the oriental tale "A Thousand and One Nights".

Address: Dubai, TECOM

Opening hours: on weekdays - from 11.00 to 19.00 (on Wednesdays - until 21.00), on Saturday - from 12.00 to 19.00, on Friday - a day off

Entrance: 50 dirhams, for children and students - 25 dirhams

Coffee museum

Coffee is an integral part of Arab culture and hospitality. You can verify this by visiting a completely new museum in the historic Al Fahidi district, in which two floors of space are devoted to the drink traditional for the Middle East. Here you can see clay coffee pots from Yemen of the 18th century, 400-year-old coffee supplies of the Ottoman era, grinding machines and machines from Europe, and even coffee grinders from the First World War. A special attention of visitors is attracted by a book on the art of coffee making, printed in Germany in the 18th century. A visit to the museum is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions of growing and preparing a traditional Bedouin drink and taste its various varieties.

Address: Dubai, Al Fahidi Heritage Village

Opening hours: from 09.00 to 17.00, except Friday

Free admission

Museum of Retro Cars

On the territory of the United Arab Emirates there are several car museums at once, where private collections of lovers of luxury on wheels are exhibited. One of them is located in the oasis city of Al Ain. It differs from the rest in that history and style reign here. By exhibits, you can trace the history of the development of transport in the UAE.

Address: Al Ain, Al Fayda District

Opening hours: from Saturday to Thursday - from 09.00 to 17.00, on Friday - from 16.30 to 21.00

Entrance: 5 Dirhams

Al Okayli Museum

The two-story museum-apartment is dedicated to the life and work of the famous Arab poet Mubarak Al Okayli. On the ground floor, you can learn about his life and travels to the Gulf countries before moving to Dubai, as well as see handwritten documents, letters and manuscripts with samples of classical poetry. The second floor is dedicated to the public life of the poet, his friends and students. Household items are exhibited here: a desk, carpets, a collection of blades.

Address: Dubai, Al Ras

Opening hours: from 08.00 to 14.00, except Friday

Free admission

Crossroads of Civilizations

The real historical treasury of the Middle East is hidden in a small historical building in the Shindag area. Rare ancient artifacts from the Sumerian kingdom, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Palestine, Syria and even China, including weapons and manuscripts - these artifacts can be used to trace the development of civilization over the past few thousand years. “Our museum is a reflection of the spirit of the UAE and the region, which has always served as a point of exchange of goods and the intersection of cultures and civilizations,” said Ahmed Obeid Al Mansouri, founder of the museum, who has been collecting a collection of almost a thousand exhibits over 30 years.

Address: Dubai, Shindagha Heritage Area

Opening hours: from Sunday to Thursday - from 10.00 to 17.00, on Saturday - from 10.00 to 16.00

Center of Islamic Culture "Miraj"

The center presents museum displays of masterpieces of Islamic art from all over the Muslim world: from Egypt, Syria, Iran, India, Iraq, Kashmir and Russia. Here you can see artful handmade carpets decorated with patterns and precious stones, silk fabrics, jewelry, marble products painted with Arabic calligraphy vases, picturesque miniatures and much more. Including the exhibition there is one of the cultural treasures of Persia - "Autumn Carpet", decorated with images of flowers, curls and arabesques in ivory and Mughal style.

Museum employees are always ready to tell visitors about the history of an exhibit and how it was created.

Address: Abu Dhabi, Hilton Capital Grand Hotel

Opening hours: daily, from 09.30 to 19.00

Free admission

Falcon Hospital

The world's largest hospital for birds is recognized as the most popular tourist attraction in the emirate capital. Over 9 thousand falcons undergo treatment and rehabilitation annually. The main attraction is the Falcon Museum, as well as an area where birds can fly freely. The hospital receives patients around the clock. Within its walls, active work is also underway on preparing falcons to return them to their natural habitat - in Pakistan, Iran and Kazakhstan.

Address: Abu Dhabi, near the International Airport

Opening hours: Sunday to Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Entrance: available for groups

Coin Museum

Opened in 2004, the museum presented to the public about five hundred rare coins from all over the Middle East, including the Sassanian drachma, antique money from Egypt, North Africa and Turkey. The museum has seven exhibition halls, where not only the artifacts themselves from different historical eras are stored, but also information about each coin is presented in detail, including its shape, weight and origin. Quite a significant part of the exposition is reserved for coins of the Persian Gulf countries.

Address: Dubai, Al Fahidi Heritage Village

Opening hours: from 08.00 to 14.00, except Friday

Free admission

Watch the video: Museum Day Video, inspired by the book- The Big Five for Life (July 2024).