UAE toughen visa requirements for job seekers

The UAE is going to tighten visa requirements for arriving in the country to find work.

Dubai, UAE. The UAE Federal Office of Identification and Citizenship is going to tighten the rules for obtaining short-term visas (visit, tourist visas) for those who arrive in the country for employment.

The Office clarifies that most of the violators of the visa regime arrived in the country on just such visas to look for work, and many of them were implicated in serious crimes. Thus, the government is forced to take measures to prevent criminals from entering the territory of the state in the future.

In particular, the agency plans to introduce visas for a period of three to 6 months for job seekers, for which it will probably be necessary to make a deposit. Such conditions will ensure that job seekers return home when the visa expires.

The agency also plans to ask foreign embassies to cover the costs of acquiring tickets for citizens of their countries who have violated the visa regime, as often the latter do not have money to purchase them.

The administration reminded that until October 31, while the visa amnesty lasts, the UAE will undergo regular inspections to identify violators of the visa regime. Those violators who do not use the amnesty right will be subjected to harsh measures, including fines and deportation.

For owners of companies that hire an employee without documents, a fine of 50 thousand dirhams (US $ 13.7 thousand) is prescribed. If the violation is repeated, the penalty will be doubled.

Watch the video: UAE to toughen visit visa rules - GN Headlines (May 2024).