In Dubai, open the world's first couture outfit boutique

Dubai is launching the world's first "ready couture" store in September in Dubai.

Jacob Abrian, founder and chief executive officer of the Arab Fashion Council (AFC), said that the world's first couture boutique will be launched in Dubai this September.

The project, located in City Walk and built in partnership with Meraas, is valued at $ US 15 million.

"This is not just a store, it should become a tourist attraction; one of those places that cannot be visited without being in Dubai," he said.

Abrian added that the store will also act as a space for master classes and other events.

The "ready-couture" concept, which was introduced by AFC, is already high-fashion ready-made clothing, which, as a rule, is made in single pieces.

The store is part of a non-profit organization’s plan to support local manufacturers as part of a new partnership between AFC and MBM Holding, an investment company in Dubai. This partnership will help bring the city's fashion sector to a new level, including by promoting the Made in the UAE brand, manufacturing and attracting foreign investment in this sector.

The store will act as a platform for designers who can showcase their collections here in exchange for a commission of 5%.

From May 9 to 12, AFC holds the next “Arab Fashion Week” on board the recently refurbished and launched Floating Queen Elizabeth II Hotel. According to the organization, this is the first official water fashion week in the world.