Mumtazz - International Social Network

Mumtazz in Arabic means "perfect." And today it is an ideal social network for those who lead an active nightlife! Mumtazz allows you to find out where and who will go, exchange opinions, take a barcode on your phone and instantly get to the site and post your photo. Mumtazz alerts users with a special weekly newsletter of colorful newsletters. One of the technical differences of this network is its full integration with international networks,, as well as Click2C technology (//, which has not yet been applied in Russia!

The site was invented back in 2000 by a native of Great Britain and the most secular person of Dubai, Mr. Neil, not only a friend of the stars - including Naomi Campbell and Leonardo DiCaprio, but also the sheikhs and kings. When there were not yet such sensational social networks as facebook .com or, he opened such famous magazines as “Hello” and “OK” to the Middle East, and also created the magazine “AHLAN”. Neil launched Time Out Dubai magazine in Dubai, which today successfully performs in tandem with, telling in electronic and print format all the fun things about nightlife.

In 2002, Mumtazz started in Dubai, in 2004 in Singapore, in 2009 it launched in Rio de Janeiro, and in 2010 New York, Casablanca, Beirut, Kiev, Marrakesh and Amman open. This will be the world's largest international project about entertainment and club life! Join now!

Watch the video: MUMTAZ RESTAURANT BRADFORD (May 2024).